ENGLISH version is below!! 【本日はドーナツの日!みんなで食べて障がい者リーダー育成支援!!】 いつもお世話になっておりますミスタードーナツの創業の日! なんと!本日ミスドでドーナツを買ったら、障がい者リーダー育成事業『ダスキン愛の輪基金』に売り上げの一部が寄付されるらしいです!!
これは…食べないと!!! ということで、夢宙でドーナツを大人買い✨✨ (夢宙スタッフのドーナツ猫も応援しています🐈) これからもダスキンさん、障がい者の自立や社会参加のサポートをよろしくお願いします!! みんな~今日はミスドを買って帰ろう~!! https://www.misterdonut.jp/busines…/torikumdi/shakai_02.html 【Today is Donut Day! Let's Eat Together to Support the Development of Leaders with Disabilities!】 Today is Donut Day at Mister Donut, the company that has always helped us! What a day! If you buy a doughnut at Mister Donut today, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Duskin “Ai no Wa”(circle of love) Fund for a project to train leaders with disabilities! We've got to eat this! So we, the CIL Muchu bought a bunch of doughnuts ✨. (Donut Cats of the CIL Muchu, are also supporting the day🐈) ※shown in pictures Thank you, Duskin, for continuing to support the independence and social participation of people with disabilities! Everyone~!! Let's buy a Misdo and go home today~! https://www.misterdonut.jp/busines…/torikumdi/shakai_02.html