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【さぁ~再開!!】 コロナ禍で、生活介護の活動もストップしていた中… やっとこさ、新北島小学校の登校時見守り活動を再開することができました~!! コロナ禍でも地域活動は止まらない。

登校時、クルマから、危ない場面から、小学生のみんなの安全をまもり、障害をもった人への差別偏見も薄らいでいくという、 地域のひとたちも、小学生も、私たちも、すべてのひとがwin-winの活動を再開できたことは、ほんとうにうれしいことです! 私たちがコロナ禍で見守り活動を休んでいる間にも、見守り活動の老人会の方々はずっと小学生の登校を見守ってくれていました! その先輩たちのチカラになるためにも… 地域の安全を守る一端を担うためにも… 子どものころから障害を持った人に慣れてもらうためにも… これからも地域活動をつづけていこうと思います。 うれしかったのは、地域の人も、老人会のみなさんも 【ひさしぶり~!!】と温かく迎えてくれたことです! 私たちが見守り隊として道に立ちはじめてもう1年… 老人会の方にも、地域の方にも みんなの障害者に対する意識が変わってきているなぁ~と はっきり実感できるようになってきました! 早くコロナが落ち着いて、見守り活動を通じてつながったみんなと、ともに地域を盛り上げるイベントができるようになりますように!

【Resumed safety activities for children on the way to elementary school.】 Due to the corona disaster, we had to stop our daily care services for the elementary school students. We were finally able to resume our activities at Shin-Kitajima Elementary School. We will not stop our community activities even if the corona disaster strikes. It allows us to protect our children when they come to school and also reduces the prejudice against people with disabilities like us. We’re glad to see that we can resume our WIN-WIN activities, which are good for both of us. While we were absent, the senior citizens' association kept their eyes on the elementary school children, and we were able to help them. We want to help them. We want to continue to work to keep our community safe. We want children to familiarize people with disabilities like us and eliminate prejudice. That's why we continue to do this kind of work. What made us happy after we resumed our activities was the warm welcome we received from the senior citizens' association, saying, “It's been a long time”. We feel that the awareness of the people in the community has clearly changed over the past year of our safety activities. We hope that the spread of the corona will soon be brought under control and that we will be able to hold events to enliven the community together with everyone we have connected with through these activities!





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