ENGLISH version is below!!
なななななんと~!! 映画『インディペンデントリビング』の七芸&シアターセブンの入場者数が…もうすぐ1000名の大台をこえまーーす!!
そして…2020年3月7日(土) 夢宙センター、おもしろいことやりまーーーす(笑) みなさま…情報解禁をおたのしみに!!

【Congratulations! Soon it will surpass 1,000 people! ! "Independent Living" audiences in the theater.】 The movie "Independent Living" was screened at Nanagei Art Theater. It is now on the Theater Seven.
All audiences will soon surpass 1,000 people. The movie, which began on January 11 and ended on January 31, is now a long run until February 14.
Thanks to the Bun Bun Films for spending over four years filming and editing great movie. We also thank everyone for promoting the beauty of this movie. “Independent living” screenings will continue in this year. Thank you all for everything about this movie.
March 7, We will be doing something interesting about "Independent living" at the CIL Muchu, so don’t miss it!